- bear raid
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English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
Bear raid — A situation in which large traders sell positions with the intention of driving prices down. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * bear raid bear raid ➔ raid * * * An attempt to push down the price of a security, usually by short selling … Financial and business terms
bear raid — In the context of general equities, attempt by investors to move the price of a stock opportunistically by selling large numbers of shares short. The investors pocket the difference between the initial price and the new, lower price after this… … Financial and business terms
Bear raid — A bear raid is a type of stock market strategy, where a trader (or group of traders) attempts to force down the price of a stock to cover a short position. This can be done by spreading negative rumors about the target firm, which puts downward… … Wikipedia
Bear Raid — The illegal practice of attempting to push the price of a stock lower by taking large short positions and spreading unfavorable rumors about the target firm. In a bear raid, the manipulators profit on the difference between the original stock… … Investment dictionary
bear raid — noun Etymology: bear (I) : concerted selling of securities usually by short sellers to force down prices … Useful english dictionary
bear raid — / beə reɪd/ noun selling large numbers of shares to try to bring down prices … Dictionary of banking and finance
raid — [reɪd] noun [countable] FINANCE an occasion when someone suddenly buys a lot of shares in a company, usually as part of an attempt to take control of it: raid on • In a successful raid on Emhart Corp., the Fisher Getty partnership earned a $50… … Financial and business terms
raid — Synonyms and related words: air attack, air raid, air strike, assault, attack, banditry, bear raid, blitz, board, boarding, brigandage, brigandism, bull raid, bust, corner, corner in, depredate, depredation, descend upon, despoil, despoiling,… … Moby Thesaurus
bear — A dealer on a stock exchange, currency market, or commodity market who expects prices to fall. A bear market is one in which a dealer is more likely to sell securities, currency, or goods than to buy them. A bear may even sell securities,… … Accounting dictionary
bear — A dealer on a stock exchange, currency market, or commodity market who expects prices to fall. A bear market is one in which a dealer is more likely to sell securities, currency, or goods than to buy them. A bear may even sell securities,… … Big dictionary of business and management
Bear Behaving Badly — Nev And Barney Format Children s programme Starring Barney Harwood Bella Emberg Ross Mullan … Wikipedia